Refund Policy

AmaLinks Pro® offers a generous 14-30-Day, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the product within your first 14-30 days (depending on which plan you purchased) – or if you just don’t want it anymore – simply contact us via our support form and let us know that you would like a refund. The only thing we ask is that you give it a fair shake (try it out for 7 days) so refunds can only be requested between 8-30 days.

Note: Ebooks & “done for you content” plans are NOT eligible for any guarantee. Software plans offered on a discount, and any monthly plans for AmaLinks Pro® are also NOT eligible for the guarantee. Only annual, non-discounted software plans qualify for the guarantee.

AmaLinks Pro® 30-Day Money Back Guarante

Refunds offered one time – for your first purchase only

The reason we offer the 14-30-day refund guarantee is that we do not have a free trial. The refund policy is in place for users who want to try AmaLinks Pro® risk-free. We do not offer refunds for subsequent purchases after the first purchase. For example: if you purchase the plugin in January and then request and receive a refund – then re-purchase the plugin again sometime later in the year – you no longer qualify to receive a refund.

Refunds not offered for renewal payments

Per our license agreement (see #3), that you must agree to at the time of your original purchase, we do not offer refunds for renewal payments. All of our plans, except for Platinum, are subscription plans and they automatically renew yearly. If you purchase a subscription plan – make sure you have a way to remind yourself about the renewal payment in one year.

We will help you with this! We send out TWO reminder emails before your subscription automatically renews (30 days before and 7 days before). Included in both of those emails are instructions for how to cancel if you wish to no longer keep your subscription for AmaLinks Pro®. Make sure you monitor your spam folder regularly just in case those emails are not going to your inbox. Furthermore – you could whitelist te**@am*********.com to be sure you always receive emails from us.

No Questions Asked…As Long As You Are Not Using the Plugin

If you are within your first 30 days – you don’t even have to tell us why you want a refund. Just request the refund, and we will issue it ASAP. The only thing we ask is that you give it a fair shake (try it out for 7 days) so refunds can only be requested between 8-30 days and you can’t be actively using our plugin on your site in order to get the refund.

Although – if you wouldn’t mind – we would welcome any feedback. It’s not required – but we certainly appreciate it when customers tell us WHY they want a refund. We’re constantly improving AmaLinks Pro® and if we understand why a customer might not want it – it will help us better serve other customers going forward.

How to Get Your Refund

Simply fill out our support form and ask for a refund. Please include one of your license keys as this makes it easier for us to quickly lookup your account. We will verify that your purchase occurred within the last 30 days and your refund will be on it’s way shortly! We will automatically cancel your subscription at the time we issue your refund – so you won’t be charged again in one year.

If you paid via PayPal – The refund amount will be paid based on their Paypal Refund FAQ guide.

If you paid via Credit Card – your refund amount will be available usually within a few days. We issue it right away – but the credit card processor and the banks need a couple of days to return the funds to your credit card. This is totally out of our control and we’ve heard that it can take up to 7 to 10 business days.
