25 Inspiring Things You Can Do if You Make an Extra $500 a Month

make an extra $500 a month

Disclaimer: An extra $500 a month is just an example amount. There is no guarantee that anybody will earn any money at all. The amount you earn will vary and relies on many different factors. You could earn way less than $500 in any given month and you could earn way more than $500 in a month.

Be purposeful with your extra monthly earnings

I’m sure if you were able to make an EXTRA $500 a month – it wouldn’t be difficult to find ways to spend it. The thing is… it’s good to be purposeful with your money. I’ve found that there are many advantages to having a specific purpose in mind when it comes to setting goals and making plans for how you spend your money. This is especially true if you are side-hustling and trying to create extra income on the side.

Creating an extra $500 a month, or even $500 a week, just to add to your regular budget is hardly purposeful at all. If you tie your extra earnings to a specific spending goal – you are far more likely to hit your earning goals! I encourage you to try this yourself for a few months! Pick one of the items we’ve listed below for what to do with EXTRA monthly income, or come up with something of your own, and dedicate your extra earnings just for that purpose. Check out some of our suggestions below…

Make an extra $500 a month for one of these purposes…

  1. Pay your monthly car payment
  2. Save to pay cash for a car
  3. Pay off student loans
  4. Save for your children’s college funds
  5. Pay off credit card debt
  6. Pay cash for things so you don’t get into credit card debt
  7. Pay your rent
  8. Pay extra on your mortgage
  9. Pay for home improvements
  10. Put extra towards your retirement savings each month
  11. Save for a really nice vacation each year
  12. Pay for a gym membership
  13. Spoil yourself with whatever you desire
  14. Use it for your ‘go out to eat’ fund
  15. Buy clothes or shoes that you don’t really ‘need’
  16. Buy nice school clothes for your kids
  17. Spend extra money on your favorite hobbies
  18. Spend on concerts or sporting events
  19. Pay it forward – buy an online training course for somebody else
  20. Give to your favorite local charities
  21. Give to a person or family in need
  22. Give extravagantly large tips to hard-working service professionals (waitresses, etc.)
  23. Random acts of kindness – pay for the car behind you in the drive-thru
  24. Random acts of kindness – pay for somebody’s groceries at the store
  25. Random acts of kindness – pay for somebody’s gas at a gas station

Can you really earn an extra $500 a month with a blog?

If you can build an audience and get traffic to your blog – you can absolutely make an extra $500 a month! Making money on your blog as an Amazon affiliate is one of the easiest ways to get started. Right now affiliate marketing is exploding and there is more opportunity ever.

You may or may not earn $500 a month just from promoting Amazon products. It totally depends on how much traffic you are able to get to your blog and what kind of content you produce. Some blogs earn far less than $500 a month and some earn quite a bit more!

Here at AmaLinks Pro® – we don’t teach ‘blogging’ or SEO or how to get traffic to your blog. There is a multitude of other resources around the interwebs that are great at that. We just offer the very best WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliates. We make life easier for Amazon affiliates and we do happen to know a thing or two about how to earn more as an Amazon affiliate! We put together a nice little training series called Level Up. It’s 100% FREE and delivered by email. All you have to do is signup and you’ll get your first email within moments!

Miles Anthony Smith

Miles is a loving father of 3 adults, devoted husband of 24+ years, chief affiliate marketer at AmaLinks Pro®, author, entrepreneur, SEO consultant, keynote speaker, investor, & owner of businesses that generate affiliate + ad income (Loop King Laces, Why Stuff Sucks, & Kompelling Kars). He’s spent the past 3 decades growing revenues for other’s businesses as well as his own. Miles has an MBA from Oklahoma State and has been featured in Entrepreneur, the Brookings Institution, Wikipedia, GoDaddy, Search Engine Watch, Advertising Week, & Neil Patel.

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