Lifetime Pricing for AmaLinks Pro® Has Been Discontinued

We have come to another crossroads, here at AmaLinks Pro®, where we’ve had to make a business decision regarding our pricing plans. Effective January 3, 2022 – a lifetime plan for AmaLinks Pro® will no longer be available. There are many reasons for this and I will try to briefly explain below.

AmaLinks Pro® pricing history

AmaLinks Pro® launched for sale to the public on July 17, 2018. From day one, we have always offered a lifetime plan option under our Platinum license (for unlimited sites). We purposely set the price for our Platinum license very high, knowing that we would have to provide updates and support for lifetime for buyers who chose this plan.

Around the time that we added the Blogger plan as an option, we drastically increased the price of our Platinum plan to $797. To be 100% upfront and honest – we really didn’t want people purchasing our Platinum plan. Yet, we felt that we should leave it as an option anyway. Sales of the Platinum plan dropped off by quite a bit once we set the price to $797 – but many people still paid that much for it!

The Platinum (Lifetime) plan became too popular

Although ‘normal’ sales of the Platinum plan dropped off after we raised the price – people would jump at the opportunity to purchase our Platinum plan whenever we ran a limited-time sale. Our two biggest sales of the year are our annual summer sale and our Black Friday sale – where we typically offer 50% OFF any of our plans. Far too many people would purchase the Platinum (Lifetime) plan during these sales.

This was great. We’re super glad we were able to provide so much value at such a great deal for some of our early customers. Plus – this totally validated for us that we have remained on the right track with AmaLinks Pro®. People saw the value in our premium WordPress plugin and decided to lock in their lifetime licenses when they had the chance to get a great discount.

Here is why we can no longer offer lifetime pricing

From a business standpoint – it just doesn’t make sense any longer, to keep offering a one-time payment for a lifetime license. Selling one-off large purchases was great for the first few years while we were starting out and establishing ourselves as the #1 WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliates.

However, we do have ongoing expenses to keep AmaLinks Pro® running. We need recurring revenue in order to keep developing and updating AmaLinks Pro® and to keep providing excellent support. Not to mention all of the other critical backend expenditures that we have to pay to keep the business going.

Again, we’re really happy that we have been able to provide many of our early users with lifetime licenses. User feedback has been crucial in developing AmaLinks Pro® into what it is today. But it’s time to move on. After January 3, 2022 – the lifetime license for AmaLinks Pro® will be discontinued.

Note: I am writing this post about 2 weeks before January 3, 2022 – so, if you’re reading this before that date, you may have one last chance to grab a lifetime license for AmaLinks Pro®.


See Current Pricing Options


Frequently Asked Questions

I’m sure there will be some questions or comments. I’ll answer the obvious questions before I hit publish – and then I’ll edit this post and add more FAQ’s as needed.

Do current Platinum buyers get to keep their lifetime licenses?

Yes. If you purchased a Platinum (Lifetime) license before January 3, 2022 – you get to keep your license forever and you will always have access to updates and support. You won’t have to pay again, at all!

Is the Platinum license going away for good?

No. We will continue to offer the Platinum license (for unlimited sites) – but it will now be a yearly subscription – just like all of our other plans. We will likely decrease the price slightly – since it will be switching to a yearly subscription.

Will you offer a lifetime payment option during future sales?

No. Absolutely not! Lol. This is one of the biggest reasons we had to make the decision to stop offering lifetime licenses!


See Current Pricing Options

Miles Anthony Smith

Miles is a loving father of 3 adults, devoted husband of 24+ years, chief affiliate marketer at AmaLinks Pro®, author, entrepreneur, SEO consultant, keynote speaker, investor, & owner of businesses that generate affiliate + ad income (Loop King Laces, Why Stuff Sucks, & Kompelling Kars). He’s spent the past 3 decades growing revenues for other’s businesses as well as his own. Miles has an MBA from Oklahoma State and has been featured in Entrepreneur, the Brookings Institution, Wikipedia, GoDaddy, Search Engine Watch, Advertising Week, & Neil Patel.

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